Tuesday, November 20, 2007

While we were there we had the chance to
stay at an orphanage for three days and nights.
It was a really good experience for me. It was so kind of the
Lord to let me go.
This is the view from the room that we
were staying in. Beautiful, isn't it?!

I made some friends while I was there at
the orphanage. The little boy on my right was
my special little friend. He is ten years old and
had only been there for a short amount
of time. I'd tell you his name, but I can hardly say it
right, let alone spell it:)
Sometimes, if the kids didn't know my name, they would
get my attention by calling out "Hello, Hello" the little boy
on my left did that quite a bit:)

Lois and I overlooking Burma

One day we visited the boarder of Thailand and Burma.
The two boys in the picture above are on the Burma side and the
plastic bags in their hands have glue in them. Glue is a cheap way
for them to get high and I would guess it's also helpful in forgetting their

Please pray for the children at the orphanage that they would
be given the care and love they need and that God would raise
up people who will love the way Jesus wants.
Also, pray that the founder would believe in Jesus as his savior.
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