Monday, March 9, 2009

CR shooting

Okay, so these photos are from last week but I just finally got my photo program to work so I could convert my RAW photos to Jpegs. (Sorry I help but show off a little of my new found knowledge.)
Last week, a group of us went downtown Cedar Rapids to take pics. The weather was beautiful which made a perfect day for doing that sort of thing. It was fun too because I've never really just walk around downtown CR except during parades when there's lots and lots of people.
I took quite a few pic. but here are three that I didn't take. Thanks to Shelby H., we, the three amigas, or whatever got some shots of all of us together.
Let me know if any of you would like to go shooting with me, because I need all the practice I can get.


Chelsea said...

I want to go shooting with you!! :)

-C A I T L Y N said...

Well I would love to volunteer to go shooting with you! LOL

I was just laughing at how both of our blogs of pictures of people's feet well actually we both have a picture of Ally's feet! Maybe it will make her famous someday! lol

Have a great day...hopefully I will see you soon!

Luv Ya! ::Caitlyn::

Bekah May said...

Cute, cute, cute! Sign me up for a shooting day as the weather gets nicer. =)

Kitti Klicks said...

I think we have to conclude that she just has really cute feet!

Let's go shooting again once the weather isn't so gloomy and rainy and cold.

We could all go shooting together people! Chelsea you have a quite a long way, sorry:(

Lydia said...

ME 3!! but i guess i'm not just quite a long way...