Life has been very busy for me this summer! In fact, that's an probably an understatement. Okay a quick overview of my summer:
Go to Colorado for a week,
Come home to a flooded house for one night,
Leave for Wheaton College the next morning for a three week course,
Arrive home on the 4th of July and enjoy the fireworks with family,
Leave the following Monday for KS where BL was holding 2 conferences,
Come back home a week later and enjoy family and friends from out of state/country for around 2 1/2 or so weeks (I forget how long and I don't want to think that hard:),
Leave once again for a vacation in VA to visit family for a week,
Drive to MI for two more BL conferences and arrive home,
Enjoy my weekend before getting ready to leave for Asia for 2 months.
Life can sure be crazy! It's no wonder the time has slipped away!
I'm going to try and post while I'm in Asia, but we'll have to wait and see how often:) I would appreciate all of your prayers while I'm away! I will be going with a group of my friends to Singapore and Malaysia to hold some BL conferences there. We will be packing a lot into the time we have. After a month of conferences everyone will be heading back but me. The Lord has opened the door once again for me to go back to Thailand with a wonderful family from Singapore. I'm excited and looking forward to seeing my friends in the orphanage among other things! Please pray that God would bear much fruit in many lives, that the conferences would encourage the girls to live their lives totally for Christ, that we would be able to somehow minister to some Muslims while there, and that we would see God's hand move mightily, and whatever Jesus leads you to pray.
Thank you so much!
Wow, Chrissy. You make my schedule look calm!
You know I'll be praying for all of you while you're in S'pore. I can't believe it's already been a year since we went. I'm eager to hear about all that the Lord does in you and through you while you're ministering in Asia. Take lots of pics! And give lots of hugs for me. Those girls are precious sisters.
Much love, Bekah
HI honey,
It made me tired just reading through it....kind of like I just lived it all over again:-) Yew!
I watched some of your links. The Dove ones are awesome. I'm going to go to that website and see what they have on there. I know you showed it to me before, but this time I saw so many more changes they did to that girl's photo. It was almost gross, I thought.
Some of the other ones I don't even know what they are supposed to the band in the kitchen?, the mt. dew, and the other video to Chris Rice's song.
I love you honey.
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