Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life is a song your heart must sing...

"Most believers die with an unsung song in their hearts"
- Unknown

Our lives our are part of God's song called all of time. Will we be willing to sing the song He has placed in us from the beginning of time; or will we go to our grave without letting it ring out to the glory of God?


Bekah May said...

I know, I know. I'm commenting too much - forgive me. But I can't keep silent!

Great picture and post. I often like to think of my life being a musical. The Lord has composed the distinct melody He wants me to sing and the unique message He wants me to present to the world. Then it's my choice to get over my stage fright, open up my mouth, and belt it out for His glory!

-C A I T L Y N said...

Hey You! Love the new layout! ummmm I think if I am not mistaken you have some pics you need to post! please :)

Luv Ya!

Anonymous said...

I like that... "Life is a song your heart must sing." It's such a fitting analogy - just as in music, each of us have different parts, which individually may sound odd, but together create a masterpiece of praise to Jesus.

Taking that song to Bogota...