Hey everyone! I just thought that I'd write a little
something, wish everyone a Happy New Year, and
show you all a picture of my Grandma who I love
to brag up. :) I took this picture of her this summer
with her flowers she was sooooooo proud of.
She turned 92 this past fall and is still such a
spring chicken:).
Speaking of family, we just had some of our family
over today for Christmas. We had a good time and
of course we had more then enough food and candy.
We also had a really nice quiet Christmas with my Grandma
and I got my wish of a white one! About half a week
before Christmas the snow started melting and I was
afraid that there wouldn't be any snow, left so I prayed.
And the Lord was so kind to us and sent fresh snow
and lot's of it!
I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and a Happy New
Year! Ask God to really do some neat things in your life and
don't be surprised when you look back next year and He has.
Let's let Him use us this year in whatever way he sees fit.