Tuesday, September 30, 2008

30 on the 30th

To my wonderful beautiful parents, happy 30th anniversary! I'm so excited to congratulate you on this very special day! The Lord has truly blessed you both, and Andrew, and I. It's not many people any more who have the joy and privilege of 30 years of marriage or many children who have the honor and pride of this!

Thank you for following the Lord and giving Andrew and I the joy and honor of growing up in a Christian home, having parents who love the Lord, who taught us the important things, who didn't chose the easy way out but home schooled us which drew us closer as a family, who taught us to seek the Lord and that He is the most important thing in life, and who love each other!

Thank you for being good examples to us in giving to others. Not only in giving money but your time, energy, love, support, and prayers!

I love you two! May God bless you with many more years of this union. May the next thirty years be better than the rest. (By that time you will still be younger than Grandma.)

My beautiful parents in the park, all dressesed up

Ahhhhhhhh, love is in the air! Praise the Lord for the blessings of marriage and the joy that it brings in Him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow those pics of yours really get around don't they:-)

Thanks for all the incredible encouragement Chrissy.......may your marriage be set solidly on the foundation you are building now with Jesus as your best friend and King.

Love, mom